
Monday, 10 November 2014


A very good friend of mine (Pious) called me this morning to inform me of the shock demise of my friend Dr. Munroe. On the phone i couldn't speak and was thinking it was a lie, until i check the internet and realize the news was all over. I had dream of sitting face to face with him one day but now it can never materialize. I was shock and still asking questions "oh! what at all caused this?" but

Dr. Munroe lived his life anyway. I listened to a particular tape of his years ago and this is what he has to say “You weren’t born just to live a life and to die, you were born to accomplish something specifically,” “Matter of fact, success is making it to the end of your purpose, that is success. ... Success is not just existing, success is making it to the end of why you were born.” 

so i can say that even though we wish he stayed longer, HE ACTUALLY WAS A SUCCESS and we must follow suit. Identify your purpose and make it to the end of it.

Monday, 3 November 2014


Inasmuch as we are pushing forward there are people trying very hard to pull us back but it doesn't matter that some people are laughing behind your back...glad to see you fail, smiling in your face, while pretending to be your friend. You are not your mistakes, your failures, or your disappointments. Be aware things will happen that you are not prepared for.

Regroup, go back to the drawing board and comeback with a different strategy. Every day you have the opportunity to re-launch, restart and to revive your dream. You are more powerful than you realize! Dig in, challenge yourself and hold the vision. You have GREATNESS within you!

Monday, 27 October 2014


It’s a bright Monday morning and I can predict that you will have a busy week ahead if you are working but if you are not I want to encourage you to search within you and create something, bring out the best in you.

It’s a new week, a new day and actually, the last week in the month of October, 2014 and I want to tell you exactly what Les Brown said, that; you’ve got work to do, so strip yourself. 

There’s something that you’re supposed to do that is your mission in life. To complete it, you must avoid the mind pollution coming from others who don’t have goals or dreams and who don’t have a reason for being here. As you begin to look at yourself, and go after your goals and your dreams…begin to strip yourself.

Strip yourself of the behaviors, thoughts, habits and attitudes that you know will block you from achieving the things that you want. Strip yourself of all the things that are none of your spiritual business. Stop buying into other people’s stories and excuses, instead of taking care of your own business. Strip yourself of the excuses and all of the reasons that you’ve given yourself for not achieving your goals. Be about the business of making things happen. Let go of the things that don’t serve you and launch forward to your dream. You have GREATNESS within you!!

Friday, 10 October 2014


Most of us go through life pretending that we don’t have any special goals or ambitions or desires when really deep down inside we do really want more.  We block ourselves and we use these words almost like we’re in a trance, like we’re sleep-walking through life, that we find ways to cancel out our dreams, that a lot of things that we want to do, a lot of places we would like to go, a lot of things we would like to experience, and we just stop at “BUT.”


“BUT” will cause you to hide out behind fear, “BUT” will cause you to come up with all types of excuses that you can validate your inaction and not acting on your dream.  ”BUT” is a dream-killer.  
Do you know what most people do?  Most people go through life quietly and safely tiptoeing to an early grave.  We’ve been holding back, we have ideas that we don’t act on, things that we want to do, we are afraid to take chances.  A lot of people say “NO” to things and they don’t even know what they’re saying “NO” to!  Don’t allow the word “BUT” to keep you in the corner.

A lot of people say, “But I tried once,” or “twice,” “and it didn’t work out,” and so they use that as an excuse not to ever come out again.  Even if things don’t work out, even if I experience defeat or failure, that does not make me a failure.  There’s a difference between failing and being a failure.  If things don’t work out, if you don’t produce the results you want, that’s all, but don’t confuse who you are with the results that you produce.  Do what you can where you are with what you have, and never be satisfied.  Yeah, don’t get satisfied with yourself.  Always know that wherever you are, you can enjoy more, that you deserve more.  Why don’t you decide now that you can expand your world, that if other people can learn you can learn, too?

If you are working on your dream, sure there are going to be times when you are going to want to give up, sure there will be times when life will knock you down and catch you on the blind side, but the challenge is to hold on.  And if you hold on tenaciously, I say the universe is on your side.  If you don’t decide to act on your dream, if you don’t decide to make a decision to live your life, if you don’t decide to step into your fears, if you don’t decide to say yes to your life, it will never work for you. You’ve got to live what’s in life; life is too short and unpredictable.

But what do we say?  ”But there will always be tomorrow.”   Oh, no. There’s no guarantees that you’re gonna show up tomorrow.  Always something there, the reason you can’t move on, the reason why you can’t grow to the next level, why you can’t be to manifest your greatness, why you can’t begin to live life on your terms, that you’re gonna say “it’s not worth it.”  Yes, that’s going to be right there for you, it’s going to be in your face, telling you to go back.  So if you want to do something, if you’ve thought about something you want to do, take it head-on.  Life will never be the same.

I listened to him and thought to share with you. Live your dream my friend.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014


Hello wonderful friends, kindly join me on Saturday, 30th August, 2014 at the Kama Conference Centre to share ideas and acquire knowledge as we study. Get a ticket for yourself and a friend because I want to see you. Come, let’s deliberate on “WORSHIP” and derive more understanding on the topic. LOVE YOU AND HOPE TO SEE YOU.

Sunday, 29 June 2014


After blogging the “12 keys to Sustain your marriage” many are calling for more of that and today I want share with you these eighteen ways for you to stay in love forever. Many marriages are collapsing but ours will not. To pass your exam, you will need to study. To know how to drive, you will need to learn how to drive, so to have a good and successful marriage you will have to work at it. I can promise you that there is no way you will practice these few points and not see improvements in your marriage.

  1. Make a total Commitment
  2. Communicate Openly and honestly
  3. Ask for what you want
  4. Expect the Best form your Spouse
  5. Accept differences in each other
  6. Encourage the other person continually
  7. Be a good Listener
  8. Seek first to understand your Partner
  9. Set Reasonable Standard
  10. Never go to bed angry
  11. Visualize the other person as Ideal
  12. Treat your Spouse like a Client
  13. Forgive early and often
  14. Apologize for your mistakes
  15. Learn about your Spouses interest
  16. Take time to be together
  17. Develop Shared Goals