
Tuesday, 27 October 2015


Precious Friend, never look down upon yourself irrespective of where you were born or what you’ve been through. You were born a winner and never a failure.

Every winner has a story to tell, so what you are experiencing now are lines of our story. You just have to be angry.

Winners are simply ex-losers who got mad. They got tired of failure. The day you get angry at your failures is the day you start winning.

Winning does not start around you; it begins inside you but with JESUS.

You are Capable.

#Christian Essel#

Monday, 19 October 2015


Great people! I call you great because you are indeed great, Created in the likeness of the almighty God.

We are created to exhibit God so everything we do on planet earth must please God.

Please ask yourself, “is God pleased with your current state in life?” why give up on just the first and second attempt?

Imagine God giving up just after the first day of creation, I would not have had you as a great friend. Don’t give up on yourself.

We got to have the mind-set of the ants. The ant never quits. If they are headed somewhere and you try to block them, they will look for another way. They will climb over, climb under and climb around. They keep looking for another way.

Life is a long journey but we have to arrive, never forget that.

You are Capable

#Christian Essel#

Friday, 16 October 2015


These are statements we hear from people. “I will make it”, “I will be successful in life”, “Nobody can stop me”, “I will be a great man or woman”, “For me I will arrive, no matter what people do I will arrive”.

Yes I believe you will arrive. Even if it takes 10 or 20 years you will arrive but my question is WHERE?

Where do you want to arrive? And where do you want to be?

My dear, don’t let us emulate those who talk without doing but let’s put our words into action. You got to have a PLAN.

You are Capable.

#Christian Essel#

Tuesday, 18 August 2015


Hello great people of God, School of Worship (SOW) Conference is here again. This year’s Conference is taking place at the James Mckeon Auditorium, Pentecost University College of Ghana, Accra.
Kindly join me on Saturday, 22nd August, 2015 from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm as we learn how to be true worshipers worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth.

 Get a ticket for yourself, friends and family.
Contact the following numbers for  assistance.
 +233 547 161 926, +233 247 171 388, +233 245 907 965.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015


Admonish one another.

 Be willing to confront, challenge, and correct Christians who are living in disobedience to God’s commands. But always do so with the goal of helping them restore their intimacy with God. Never admonish someone out of spite. Instead, let love motivate you to want the best for them and be concerned about their welfare. When you admonish someone, do so privately, positively (aiming to solve the problem), and prayerfully (as God leads you).

Thursday, 21 May 2015


Stir up one another.

 It’s dangerous to get complacent about your faith. Get out of your comfort zone and help other people get out of theirs. 
Do all you can to inspire and challenge others to follow the Holy Spirit’s lead each day and take creative action in the specific directions the Spirit leads them. Meet with other Christians regularly and talk with them often about what’s most important to them, and why. 
Invest your time, money, or talents in some of their causes. Let go of an attachment to the familiar, the past, a desire to control, or anything else that stands in the way of pursuing something new that God is calling you to pursue.