
Saturday, 31 January 2015


It’s fascinating that a lot of Christians don’t seem to like non-Christians, often referred to as the lost or the unchurched. Often we want to keep away from messy people—perhaps missing the obvious that we are messy as well.

Who’s on Your Friends List?
It’s interesting that after coming to Christ and growing in knowledge, we often distance ourselves from former friends. We seem to have less time for the hurting and struggling. We’ve found the thing that meets the need in our lives, but keep our distance from those who need the very thing we’ve found. I don’t think this separation is intentional, but it happens, and in the end, our intentions don’t matter.

Jesus lived differently.
One of the common criticisms Jesus faced was that he spent too much time with sinners. How many of us could be accused of spending too much time with the unwelcomed and unappreciated?
It wasn’t that Jesus was waiting for Paul to write “bad company corrupts good morals” in 1 Corinthians. No one better understood the importance of spiritual maturity, scriptural knowledge, a robust prayer life and positive influences than Jesus.
But he also knew these things were not for his personal benefit, but need to be shared with the lost. The Christian life is not about safety and comfort, but rather about finding yourself in a dangerous place of vulnerable compassion.

Exerpts from Ed Stetzer's Article on Loving the lost.

Friday, 30 January 2015


My dear friend, Jesus came to live and to die and to go to hell to bear our sins, to bear our sicknesses and to take our curse.

 He tasted death for every man, he went down into the entrails of the earth and suffered for us and then on the third day God raised Him from the death.

He did all these for you because HE LOVES YOU.

He’s not just a religious leader, He was declared to be the son of God with power by the resurrection from the death. 

We are therefore free from the accusations and power of the enemy.
I repeat! It’s not about me, neither is it about our leaders and their religious doctrines but IT’S ALL ABOUT JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR.

Thursday, 29 January 2015


JESUS said “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” (John 12:32)

What does it mean?

He meant,

If I go to that cross and I AM,

If I die for the sins of the world and I WILL,

If I taste death for every man and woman and I WILL.

If I rise from the dead and come back to life and HE DID! He said “I will draw ALL men unto me.

Why don’t you accept JESUS as your Lord and Savior TODAY? Come to Him my dear friend because HE LOVES YOU MORE THAN I DO. He is the best friend you can ever have.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015


Hello my wonderful friend, i came today to inform you or even remind many of you that WHOSOVER shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13 KJV). WHOSOEVER….. I repeat WHO-SO-EVER.

There are no special people designated to call Him on your behalf. Let’s not allow individuals to put fear in us because our God is not a monster.

Jesus is always waiting for us to call on him, what are you waiting for my friend? Are you in the bus? Call Him, in your room? Call Him, in your car? Call Him, even in the washroom? Please call Him.

Please try Jesus and experience this unspeakable joy that He gives. JESUS LOVES YOU MORE THAN I DO YOU KNOW………..