
Wednesday, 30 May 2018


* But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive*. Genesis 50:20

Joseph suffered from the hands of his own brothers . *He was sold, buried, lied against and imprisoned*. All these suffering was for a purpose.

Suffering is part of Christianity.
The moment you decide to follow Christ, there are two things you can't avoid. Suffering and Grace.
The enemy throw things at you to make you loose faith.

The devil tempted Job to the extent of taking the lives of his children. But remember there is no temptation that is taken you but such as is  common to man. There is a ministry in every suffering.

I have come to a realization in life that every great person has a story. God allowed it for a purpose.
*I have seen a great woman of God who ate from the dustbin but today she is feeding many people*.
I have seen a young man who lost the mother who provided for him and his siblings but now he is inspiring and teaching and raising young leaders.
I heard of a woman of God who was diagnosed of terminal cancer but now praying for people with chronic diseases and miracles are happening.
*There is a purpose in your pain*.

Your pain often reveals God's purpose for you.
*God never wastes hurt*. If you have gone through a hurt, God wants you to help other people going through the same.

Beloved I don't know what sort of pain you are going through. I will urge you to hold onto your faith. Dont give up on yourself.
*Jesus suffered so we might be free*


PRAYER: Heavenly Father, please help me to stay strong in every challenging situation.
Help me to find the purpose in my pain.
Facebook Page: Ambassadors for Christ@solidrockchapel
Tel: +233277605065



 *Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.* 2 Timothy 3:12

A story is told of the British preacher John Wesley, who was riding along on his horse when he realized that several days had gone by, and he hadn’t suffered any persecution. For three days, not a brick or an egg had been thrown in his direction, which apparently was a common practice when Wesley would get up to preach. So he got off his horse and cried out, “Could it be that I have sinned, and I am backslidden?” Then he got down on his knees and asked God to show him if there was anything wrong in his life spiritually.

All the time he was praying, a man was watching and listening to all of this. He thought, “That preacher is crazy. I will teach him a lesson.” He picked up a brick and threw it at John Wesley, just missing his head but when Wesley saw the brick, he jumped up and said joyfully, “Thank God, everything is okay! I still have His presence.”

The devil will oppose us outwardly and try to stop us through persecution. But there is another way he will attack, and it is not very noticeable. He will whisper in our ear, “You are so powerful. You’re a man or woman of God. You are not supposed to be just a servant in the church. You are a great preacher. When you speak, your words resonate. You are so wonderful. You are so great.”

The devil knows that pride goes before a fall and that more people probably have been brought down by pride than by any other sin. He knows all about pride because it’s the very thing that brought him down as well.

The Bible tells us, “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” Are you living a godly life? Then get ready, because persecution will come your way as a follower of Jesus Christ.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, i humbly ask that your Spirit will uphold me in time of trials and persecution. In Jesus mighty name.... Amen.
Facebook Page: Ambassadors for Christ@solidrockchapelint



 *And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors.* Matthew 6:12

We hear of feuds among Christian families that are never resolved simply because the parties involved are unwilling to forgive each other. Growing up, my mother taught me forgiveness with just one sentence *"it's nothing, just live it to God"*  It is doesn't matter how angry you are because somebody wronged or hurt you, she will tell you *"if you say you are a true Christian, then live it to your God"*

This really helped me to maintain relationship with people who became of good help to me in the future.

The unfortunate issue is that our society today doesn’t value forgiveness. In fact, forgiveness is often seen as a sign of weakness, not strength. Our culture esteems vengeance and payback. We believe in the old adage *“Don’t get mad, get even.”* but i ask myself, what if God decides to get even with us the moment we hurt him.

But in what we know as The Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught us to pray, “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors” (Matthew 6:12).

The word debt in this verse could be better translated “sins.” In other words, forgive us our sins or our trespasses or our shortcomings or our resentments or the wrong we have done or what we owe to Him.

Contrary to what we may think, we don’t go through a day without sinning. Even if we might not break a commandment of God, we certainly fall short of a standard of God. We have sinful thoughts and attitudes. We commit sins of omission, failing to do good when we could have done it. The Bible says, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8).

We need to ask God every day to forgive us for our sins. And as we receive that forgiveness, we should also extend it to others. *According to Jesus, our generous and constant forgiveness of others should be the natural result of our understanding of the forgiveness God has extended to us.*

Simply put, forgiven people ought to be forgiving people. If we have been forgiven, then we must forgive others(Fathers, Mothers, sons, daughters, families, friends, colleagues etc)

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, please forgive me of all my sins even as i forgive all those who have sin against me in one way or the other. In Jesus might name i have prayed....Amen๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ
Facebook Page: Ambassadors for Christ@solidrockchapelint



*Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book* Revelation 22:7

*Two fishes were swimming when they saw a piece of meat dangling before them*.๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฆˆ

The younger fish darted toward it with an open mouth. The older fish cried out, “Stop"! ✋
"You can’t see it, but there is a hook inside that meat. It is connected by an invisible line to a pole outside the water. There is a man holding the pole"

"THE *TRUTH* is, if you eat the meat, the hook will catch in your jaw and the man will pull you out of the water. He will cut you open with a knife, roast you on a fire and eat you. Then he will throw your remains to his cat.”

The young fish stopped. The two swam away. But when the young fish was alone, he thought to himself,
“Let me investigate the *truth* myself how accurate these lousy claims are"

He went back to the meat, swam around it, above and below it. He swam as far as he could in widening circles around the meat.

After a long search, he said to himself, “I’ve looked far and wide, and *I haven’t found any sign of a man, a pole, a knife, a fire or a cat.* In fact, I’ve found nothing outside this water we live in" I have come to realise my *truth*

"These must just be stories made up to limit our freedoms"

He went back to the meat and ate it.

The hook caught in his jaw, he felt himself being yanked out of the water.
For sure *He saw a pole, a man and a knife, and a little further, he saw the man's cat sleeping in a shade,* but at that point his knowledge of *the TRUTH* was useless.


*It is exactly the story of the Great Gospel and Mysteries of the Bible.*
Some of them are  beyond our comprehension.
We now don't see Satan, Angels, Jesus or His judgement seat, no, we don't see the eternal fire of hell at all, but of course we will realize all along that it was *THE TRUTH* vs our truth, and that will be only when death eventually strikes. But Alas! *Too late forever*

May God let us heed to the *TRUTH* while it is useful to us. Amen. JESUS said, *"I AM the way, the TRUTH and the life* Nobody goes to the Father without me.