
Thursday 8 January 2015


Understanding the Spiritual Gift of Organization
My grandfather ran a guesthouse for alcoholics for many years. As long as they remained sober, the men and women suffering from addiction could stay. For more than 20 years, strangers worked the farm for food, attended the Sunday morning Bible study, and became healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Neighbors criticized my grandfather for hosting the afflicted. You are wasting your time. They are too far gone. What you are doing won’t make a difference.
He received their criticisms without crumbling; He knew what the Lord wanted him to do, and he wasn’t swayed by their opinions. His certainty that his God-given goals could be accomplished is what brought 100 lives to Christ. The Lord used my grandfather’s merciful heart and spiritual gift of organization to accomplish wonderful works in His name.
Like my grandfather, those with the spiritual gift of organization are responsible, decisive, and determined. They are willing to take the initiative, because they are confident that God-given goals can be accomplished, and they selflessly use their can-do attitudes to affect the lives of others. They don’t live for the applause; pleasing God motivates them.
The Bible instructs us to be orderly (1 Cor. 14:40), and organizers are the ones to make sure we are. They enjoy seeing work get done, and they’re encouraged by completing tasks and working every day. Those with this ministerial gift have the great ability to take a leadership role while also relinquishing control to God.
If you think you have this spiritual gift, there are many opportunities for you use it. Here are three wonderful opportunities where you might serve:

1. Missions and Outreach Leader—You feel most productive when something is being accomplished. Leading a team through a project for the Lord is exactly the kind of ministerial role in which your gift of organization thrives.
2. Facilities—An integral part of the worship experience is a clean house. And you are definitely a tidy person. Your loyalty to God represents your stewardship of the church—making you the perfect leader of a facilities team.
3. Administrative Support—God is moving, and your positivity about long- and short-term goals is exactly what the office needs. You can serve your church family by leading the body of Christ behind the scenes in an administrative position.

In Greek, the word often translated ruler or leader means, “the one who stands out in front.” When you’re a leader with the gift of organization, you’re going to be someone who can take the brunt of criticism and keep moving forward. Thank you for serving, even if you’re misunderstood. Stay dedicated to the cause of Christ and live victoriously for Him today!

 by Josie Rabbitt

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